Meet Our Advisory Group

We take a “nothing about us, without us” approach in our work, and strive to embed it deeply in our DNA. We centre the voices, experiences, and expertise of Indigenous, Black, and racialized women in every aspect of our work – including our Advisory Group. The AHF Advisory Group has been at the heart of our work. Members engage in ongoing strategic advice, meaningful conversations and ideas as we work to meet our strategic priorities.
Angela White
Photo of Anne with a pink background
Anne Steptoe
Hoda wearing a pink hijab in a pink background.
Hoda Abokhadra
Jade Jocko
Ruby Lukach
Shahenda Abou-Aly
Photo of Shahzia with an orange background
Shahzia Noorally

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We measure success in how much trust and belonging we foster. Not social media impressions or emails added to a list.

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