Accelerate Her Future Launches Research Study

Exploring the Career Development Experiences of Black, Indigenous and Racialized Women in Business and Tech

Woman wearing an orange top using her laptop with yellow graphics in the backround

Why Are We Doing This Research

AHF has launched a research project aiming to better understand the career development experiences of Indigenous, Black, and racialized women at all stages of their careers in business and tech.

Accelerate Her Future is conducting an important research study titled “Career Development & Experiences of Black, Indigenous and Racialized Women in the Canadian Workplace”. This aims to better understand the career development experiences of Black, Indigenous, and racialized women at different stages of careers in business and tech roles — what are the barriers, gaps, and opportunities.

This research project aims to listen, learn, and develop preliminary recommendations by and for Indigenous, Black, and racialized women. We believe this study will not only benefit the population under study, but also employers, organizations that provide career and workforce development services, and levels of government looking to enhance workplace inclusion and belonging.
Our research and understanding of the experiences of Indigenous, Black, and racialized women show that workplace programs, initiatives and supports are not designed effectively for all women.
Indigenous, Black, and racialized women:
Face a labyrinth of barriers in the workplace compared to men and white women.
Are more likely than white women to feel their skills are underutilized with less access to senior leaders which leads to a systemic sponsorship gap.
Advance at a slower rate into senior leadership roles compared to white women starting with their first promotion, known as the Broken Rung.
Are more likely than white women to say they feel out of place at work and are less likely to agree that they have access to resources they need to advance their careers, such as career development and external coaching.
In order to create effective career development programs, initiatives and supports that will lead to greater retention, engagement and advancement opportunities, we need to better understand the needs and what is currently working, and not working.


You may contact our Research Lead at any time
Dr. Golnaz Golnaraghi through

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This Research Project is Supported By

Accelerate Her Future’s Career Development & Experiences of Black, Indigenous and Racialized Women in the Canadian Workplace research project is funded by the Government of Canada’s Future Skills Centre. This study has been approved on ethical grounds by Veritas Independent Review Board.
Accelerate Her Future™ was founded on land and waters of the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, Anishnaabeg, the Attawandaron, and the Metis within the lands protected by the “Dish with One Spoon” wampum agreement. We respect Indigenous peoples’ deep connections to the land and waters, and affirm our commitment to continued learning while engaging our head, heart and hands to advance the TRC Calls to Action 92 and the MMIWG2S+ Calls to Justice 6.1, 11.1 and 15. We invite you to learn more about the history and presence of the Indigenous communities on the land and waters you gather on and work to build a better future for all and have included learning resources in your onboarding materials some of which are required for your completion. We encourage visitors to our website to learn about the land they are currently on.
Accelerate Her Future™ was founded on land and waters of the traditional territory of many nations including the Haudenosaunee, Anishnaabeg, the Attawandaron, and the Metis within the lands protected by the “Dish with One Spoon” wampum agreement. We respect Indigenous peoples’ deep connections to the land and waters, and affirm our commitment to continued learning while engaging our head, heart and hands to advance the TRC Calls to Action 92 and the MMIWG2S+ Calls to Justice 6.1, 11.1 and 15. We invite you to learn more about the history and presence of the Indigenous communities on the land and waters you gather on and work to build a better future for all and have included learning resources in your onboarding materials some of which are required for your completion. We encourage visitors to our website to learn about the land they are currently on.